About me

St.Nicolas farm picking, 2010
"The purpose of psychology is to give us a completely different idea of the things we know best" - Paul Valéry

Sun-saturated strawberries have this most exquisite smell, one that unearths the earliest memories. Every summer carry from home these savory symbols of love and perfection. My mother’s favorite season was summer, and it was no wonder that her transformed-self affected my siblings and I that time of year. We would tough through long depressions in the cold, gray months to come into spring rejoicing that she’d be alive again like fruit in the wild reborn. I love Quebec City (my hometown). Were it not for it’s nearly always cold state, the summers would not seem so precious. This season of ripening brought out in me an urge -a deep-seated pleasure- to feel warm dirt beneath my bare feet and the fragrant smell of wild strawberries under my nose. This re-connecting to life was an essential process to my soul, much like it was to my mother. This great appreciation for small discoveries may well be the secret of all early memories yet strawberries continue to represent perseverance, growth and family.
I celebrate this every year with a visit to my hometown’s farms for a picking session with my siblings, my close ones and at times early in the morning on my own. I return to Montreal at the end of the season to carry out my end of the bargain: to persevere and grow in my academic pursuits, to finish my B.A Psychology degree, my minor in Professional Writing. Whats next? Maybe a few more visits to the fields will tell.

Amy Bilodeau is currently a student at Concordia University in Montreal where she resides  with her cat (Rushka) and goldfish (Ghibli). This is the fourth and final year of her Psychology degree, after which she plans to attend graduate studies in Clinical Psychology. She enjoys photography and reading in my free time.

She is also a contributor-editor of the Montrealite website

Professional Résumé
